Friday, January 04, 2008

Its good to be back HOME..

After alot of trouble packing and boxing up my stuff before coming back....I am finally back home. Every time when I step out from the plane.....I will be greeted by the stickiness and humidity....that is the feeling of home I guess...I ate tosei masalah and roti canai for breakkie that morning....its good....It seems like I have forgotten how good just a plain slice of roti canai with dahl can taste like and how good it is to have breakkie with mom in the morning....
Its been a long time since I have breakkie with my mom....breakkie back in Perth is good..toast with jams, full mounty, salmon bagels, egg benedict and finish off with a cuppa....those were one of the things that I grow to love about Perth..but the breakkie here ...well...just taste like home. Home as in what I have eaten for the pass 20 years of my life, home as in what I have live dearly and closely to my heart. Yet strange enough....sometimes I do felt more comfortable in Perth than I am back home. Then I starts to wonder what went wrong, as in how can just a mere two years abroad can change so many things. Maybe its the unfairness that the gov back here treated my parents and my kind or it is the mere fact that my family have become poorer and poorer each passing year. Then the opportunity to migrate become more and more is sad that things have turn out so weirdly that I come to dislike my own and favour another country more.
I guess this time back home makes me ponder and wonder more than my last trip. Reason being is that I am graduating is like a serious cross road for me....I bet you bitches faces this too but then again I can't say we r exactly the same, we all have our own road to travel and goals to archive. Growing up can be hard...but becoming wiser is even harder...........So much to do, so many things to be expected and yet so little motivation.......

Posted by Cowcanfly at Friday, January 04, 2008